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Summer Unplugged - Summer Growing

Hello Friends!

You can probably guess from the title of this post that this summer I am going to be unplugged and for the most part somewhat secluded. Meaning I won’t be writing on this blog as much and will most likely will be off social media as well. (In case you miss me, feel free to call me or be my pen pal!)

This summer I will be working at Forest Home where I will be a camp counselor for the summer.

As most of you know my heart in ministry is for women of all ages. I hope to one day write a book and start my own women’s conference called ‘take heart’. Yet, in order to do this, I must gain experience in this area. So, I figured what better then to do this 12 weeks at summer camp?! Right!

This summer I will be working with the CCA program at forest home. I will be leading young girls between the ages of 13-18. I will be building friendships and making memories that will last forever. I am in anticipation for all that The Lord is going to do this summer in and through me.

But I am going to be very real and honest with all of you… I’m BEYOND nervous. Not only am I gone basically all summer, I am stepping into a place where I have only met one person. And due to my recent discovery of me being introverted, the idea of not having alone time is petrifying to me.

I have all kinds of fears and even some doubts as to how the heck I am going to be an extroverted camp counselor for 12 weeks of my summer?

Well, guess what? I won’t be able to do it, well... I may but I would do poor job at it that’s for sure.

I can and will only do this and be this by the strength and faithfulness of Jesus.

I know that apart from Him my human efforts are weak and lacking. Apart from Him, I will pour out and be dried out. Without Him, I am nothing but a mere introvert trying to pull of extroverted social skills.

But surprise!

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” Psalm 23:1

Like what?! Nothing? Yes, nothing.

I know what you’re probably thinking. “Uh Sarah, you have to lack some things, you’re not perfect.” And you are right. I lack a lot of things, such as the ability to gain my energy from being around people.

But how amazing is it that with God all things are possible and with Him we lack nothing?

So as much as I can sit here a week prior to leaving and be anxious and doubtful and fearful about the challenges this summer will bring, I am choosing to believe in the power and faithfulness of my God.

Alon​e we are numbered but with God we are infinite.

I Don’t Live for Myself by Isla Vista Worship is currently on repeat and as these lyrics ring in my head,

“I don’t know any other source of peace

I don’t know any other source of life

I don’t know any other source of joy

Jesus you’re the only thing that satisfies…. If the son of God could lay down his life then who am I to hold onto mine?”

I am reminded that I no longer live for me.

No matter what this summer brings I am living for Him and His plan. Living and moving to build and further His kingdom.

I say all this not to talk about me, me, me. But to be real and honest with you.

I’m sharing this to tell you that it’s okay to feel inadequate to what God has called you to do or even to just feel like you can’t be enough.

I want to encourage you that you ARE enough, and when you feel like you aren’t HE IS. We are called to exemplify the fruits of the spirit, but God knows we won’t be perfect in abiding in them 24/7. That’s okay!

It is okay to not be enough, because He is enough.

We are called to be His hands and feet. The saying “Where God guides, He provides” could not be more accurate.

“God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.”

Lean on Him in all you do.

Trust the process and the season you are in or walking into.

Embrace the chance for something different, because it will lead you to getting to know Him in a new way.

So, whatever your summer looks like, whether it’s relaxing and working at home, doing summer school, or being a camp counselor, believe the truth and act upon it.

Trust His plan before you doubt.

“Before you doubt me… doubt your doubts” – A shadow of A Doubt by Joseph Solomon

(an amazing spoken word, 10/10 would recommend giving it a listen)

I pray that this summer you would believe in yourself and believe that He is working through you even if you can’t feel it. You are growing wherever you are.

Believe that you LACK NOTHING with Him as your guide. And that with Him you CAN do anything!

Talk to you soon!

All my love,


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