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No one knows you better than the one who created you.

It is extremely easy to feel misunderstood and unknown.

We live in a world that is inherently broken. It is filled with broken people trying to find there way to wholeness.

Living in this world of comparison, it has led us into unattainable standards and expectations for ourselves. We look to society and the media to tell us what we could be. Instead of looking to God to hear all that He’s made us to be.

Often times the lies we believe stem from things we have seen or things we have been told. And the interesting part that we never seem to question is that, that lie you are believing was most likely told to you by someone else who was believing a lie themselves.

Gaging who we are by who people want us to be, we shift our true selves into our ‘new selves’. There is a reason “New Year, New Me” trends yearly on social media.

We are constantly trying to better ourselves. Whether that be physically, mentally, or spirituality. We are in this constant battle of “If I just do this like her, I’ll be happy” or “If I looked like her, I would finally be able to love myself”

And we set these goals based off of comparison, because the enemy tells us that we can achieve them.

But the reality of it all is that you can’t and you won’t. Because you are not her & you are not him. And THAT’S OKAY!

In fact, that’s amazing! How boring would the world be if we were all the same?!

God created us with purpose and wonder. He awes and delights in YOU. Because you are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him.

So often we allow these lies to manifest in our heads creating a reality of falsehoods.

Ultimately leading us into worlds of insecurity and doubt.

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. His native tongue is lies. And from the beginning of time his first lie was all focused on making Eve doubt who she ALREADY WAS. Making her question what God had said and how He made her, and as a result, she believed the lie.

I think often times we question God and how He made us because we stop talking to Him.

It’s easy to lose sight of something that’s not in-front of you.

Living in this world, brokenness is all around us. When God isn’t at the forefront of our eyes and our thoughts, this world has no problem coming in to steal, kill and destroy our security.

It’s easy to say “I’m just misunderstood” as a cover up for our actions and sins. But the reality of it is that you aren’t misunderstood... YOU are seen. YOU are known. And YOU are created by the King of Kings himself.

He knows YOU fully. Even if you don’t know Him, He knows YOU. And He loves YOU and He cares for YOU. He see’s your heart and He wants what is best for YOU.

I know it’s hard to believe when doubt and fear say otherwise. It’s easy to get caught in a victim-misunderstood mindset.

But the King of the Universe created you to be YOU. Not anyone else but that. YOU are incredible. YOU have dreams no one has. YOU have perspective no one else has. YOU have gifts no one else can do. YOU are intentionally made by the Lover of your soul.

So be YOU.

Not that person whose Instagram you stalk twice a day. Or the girl/guy you compare yourself to. But YOU. 100% unapologetically YOU.

Because YOU are made wonderfully by God.

He loves you & so do I.

All my love,


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