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First Post... here it goes!

Hello! I am Sarah Gerard and you are reading my first blog post ever.

I have always wanted to start a blog but I never really had the courage to ever do so. However, I have hopes and dreams to one day wrtite a book titled 'take heart' and to build a women's conference off of that. My heart is for girls of all ages, to bring light to the lies that the world tries to tell us daily. I hope you enjoy following me on this journey of new beginngs and stepping out in faith. Enjoy!

I believe that often times we allow the world to define us and tell us who to be. We look to the world for our identity and worth. And we are usually left broken and hurt. I used to look at the world as my broken compass. I would look for my direction and future in this world. At first it looked as though it was pointing me in the perfect direction, exactly where I wanted. And yet, I quickly came to realize what the world had for me was no where near what I actually needed. What we want and what we need are two different things. You may want to eat nothing but junk food all day. However, that is not what your body needs. Our lives are the same way with God. Just because we may want something and plead and cry out for it... doesn’t always mean that’s what we need. The Lord sees the desires of our hearts and He hears our pleas and our cries. He does not withhold things from us out of spite or just to play games. His answer may not be yes, and it may not be no. It maybe wait or it could be let it go.

When I think of letting something go. I usually think of losing something in return. With God the opposite of that is true. When we let go of the thing we hold on to most tightly, we are given the relief of loosing our grip and letting Him work. Often times I hold on tightly to words God gives me such as wait and let go.

I tend to make those words mean what I want them to mean rather than what He says for them to mean.

I interpret wait as “wait and it will come, exactly how you want it to”. Or let go as “set it free and I will give it back”. And yet this is not what those words mean at all. When the Lord says wait it’s because He knows what you need and He knows when to give it to you. Waiting should not be the daunting task that we have made it out to be. It should be this beautiful act of service to the Lord that as we wait, we will trust in Him more. We will not lose sight of Him and His faithfulness.

When the Lord says let go, He intends for us to surrender what we are holding on to. Letting go should be an act of trust. A way to say “God I’m letting go of this because I know you have what’s best for me.”

If God is love why would we doubt that His plans are nothing but that? The Lord has been faithful to His children from the beginning to the current day.

I know it can be hard to find the light in the midst of dark times or dark seasons. But God is there with you even in the darkest of nights.

Psalm 139:12 says

“but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.”

To God there is no darkness because He is light. So even when you feel surrounded by the darkness, He sees you bright as day. He sees you and He is right beside you. You just need to fix your eyes upon the everlasting light that does not fade.

So whether you are in a place of waiting

or letting go. Whether you are in darkness searching for light. Or whether you are in an identify crisis searching for purpose.

The Lord sees you. He hears you and He is chasing after you. He is pursuing and loving you right here, right now in this moment. Don’t let it pass.

All my love,


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